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A Look at Breast Lift Surgery
Terry Bayer
Many women consider their breasts as their physical assets. Unfortunately, in most cases, physical changes in the body can cause the breasts to lose their shape over time. These physical changes include pregnancy, weight gain, and subsequent weight loss. Although many women don t mind these changes, other women choose to seek the help of cosmetic surgery to resolve the appearance of sagging breasts.
Mastopexy surgery refers to a set of surgical procedures where breast tissues are lifted and excess skin is removed to improve the shape of a woman s breasts. The surgery, also called a breast lift, aims to restore the firmness of the breasts and to give the breasts a fuller look. Given the procedure s invasive nature, mastopexy is typically performed by licensed surgeons, who administer general anesthesia to patients undergoing the procedure.
Aside from the lifting of the breast tissues and the removal of excess skin, a breast lift may also involve the repositioning of the nipples and areolas. In some procedures, the excess skin visible at the bottom portion of the breast is removed, while the remaining skin is contoured to improve the shape of the breast. As a result, scars around the breast are expected to be noticeable after the surgery.
Many women who choose to undergo mastopexy or a
los angeles breast lift
suffer from ptosis of the breasts, a condition which causes the breasts tissues to droop or sag. Other younger women develop ptosis due to the cycle of weight gain and gradual weight loss. Although mastopexy is effective at minimizing or completely removing the breasts sagging appearance, many cosmetic surgeons warn that these effects are temporary.
Despite this, many women in Los Angeles still opt to undergo a
los angeles breast lift
. The popularity of the procedure may be due to its availability in the city. Many Los Angeles cosmetic surgeons include mastopexy and breast lifts in their lineup of offered services.
The decision to undergo a
los angeles breast lift
should be made after consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. Consulting a cosmetic surgeon ensures that the procedure poses no serious health risks to the patients. Factors such as the procedure s costs and the aftercare needed should be considered carefully as well.
For More Information, please visit our website at http://www.sunsetcosmeticsurgery.com/ .
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