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Speakers & Presenters: The Secret Three Step Process to Leveraging Your Time to Make More Profits
Amit Kothiyal
If there is one thing that I have learned in all my years of marketing, it is the value of being able to work less and make more. The key to this is leverage and it can be explained in a simple and easy to understand three step processes.
I want you to read very carefully because in the next 742 words I am going to share with you the secret to leveraging what you are already doing and how to make it pay off big, time and time again.
The three-step process is very simple and can be remembered as “the three R’s”.
1) Repurpose
2) Rebrand
3) Repeat
So what does this mean? Simply put, take what you are already doing, or have done in the past and find a way to make money from it again and again without having to redo the work.
Lets look at an example:
Lets say that you are an expert in public speaking, and you have just delivered a wonderful speech called “how to make people actually want to listen to what you have to say”. You’ve given this speech to a large high school district’s staff, including teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and cafeteria workers. Lets also assume that you did a wonderful job and you have effectively branded yourself as an expert on the subject with them.
We would call this a successful presentation. You made your money, and now you are on your way home. Is this the end of the story?
If you are like many professional speakers, sadly the answer is yes. You could easily multiply your income from that one single speech though, by Leveraging your time.
So we will change our example and now say that not only did we deliver this wonderful speech, but also we were able to capture it on video. Do you see where we are going with this?
With just a little bit of editing that can be performed with free software that is included on most PCs and Macs, or easily downloaded from the Internet, you can turn this one-time speech into a product that can be sold over and over again in the future.
Step 1: Repurpose: To reuse content by revising or restructuring it for a different purpose than it was originally intended.
So how can we now use this new video? We could start by marketing it to other high school districts, colleges, trade schools, or even companies where salespeople drive revenue or to spouses that don’t feel they are being heard by significant others.
Step 2 Rebrand: This is the process by which a product or service is developed with one brand, company, or product line affiliation is marketed or distributed with a different identity.
We may be able to rebrand this video by taking a smaller section of the video out which provided tips to opening up lines of communication and title it: “The 10 Secrets to Opening Up Lines of Communication.” We could then brand it as it’s own video.
Step 3 Repeat: To do again.
Once you have done this once, do it again for all your speeches, or at least the ones that you provide different content for. By just thinking a few steps ahead and recording your speeches and presentations, you can create an entire catalog of videos that will be a true testament to the power of Leverage.
Tools of the Trade
Now that we have used the power of leverage to discover a new market that we can go after and a new product to sell, what tools can you use to market the product?
Our recommendation is a product any pay-per-view video solution that works on the web and is very easy to use. You simply upload your video and it will provide you with a small snippet of html code that you can simply paste into your existing website. If you have ever used youtube.com, it is nearly the same exact thing, the only difference being that this pay per view software allows you to profit by offering your video as a pay-per-view product.
Additionally, this useful tool will manage your billing and clients for you. All you have to do is market your pay-per-view video products and Voila, you have now effectively made use of the concept of leverage and given yourself residual income for years to come.
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