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By Edward Hickford
Wouldn’t it be great if there were shortcuts when it comes to losing weight? Well, I’m hear to tell you that there are indeed shortcut techniques for fat loss and they don’t involve surgery or starving yourself.
I know how hard it can be on a diet, it all starts off ok for the first few weeks, then bored kicks in and you go back to your old ways. This can cause a constant state of yo-yo dieting which isnt healthy for the body. It can be very hard staying motivated when trying to lose fat, Im confident if you use the techniques Im going to explain below you will see faster results and stay motivated!
There are a few little known tips and tricks to dieting that make it much easier to lose weight. It can be annoying seeing people making the same mistakes over and over when trying to shift the pounds. I’m hoping that some of you will get some benefit out of these methods. These methods can help you only if you are burning more calories than you are consuming in each day. The best thing to do is to find out how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then reduce this by 500 calories per day to lose weight. Once you are going, use the following techniques to speed up your progress
The best thing I have found that really speeds up my progress goes by a name called “substrate utilisation”, it’s a big word but not difficult to master. When you exercise at a rate of 60% of your maximum heart rate your body will use your fat as energy, this can only happen at a low intensity and when you have fasted for at least 6 hours. Obviously the ideal and best time to do this is first thing in the morning, go for a brisk 45 minute walk before breakfast, do this 2 or 3 times a week and after a while you will really see the difference.
Carbohydrates can be our enemy when on a diet but they can also be our friend. Carbs play a vital role in how the bodies metabolism is functioning. When we limit the number of carbs, our metabolism will start to drop drastically in order to preserve calories (the body thinks it’s starving!). This will be fat burning to a halt – not what we want. In order to keep the metabolism and fat burning running at maximum level it’s best to cycle carbs during the week.
Cutting the number of meals we eat is the worst thing to do when trying to lose weight. This will only cause the body to lower it’s metabolism and go into starvation mode. The best thing to do, is only cut the portion size rather than the number of meals. In fact, it would be best to increase the number of meals you eat. This will keep fat burning at it’s highest potential which is exactly what we want!
About the Author: You know, there are ways to make losing weight MUCH easier… Stop Wasting Your Time With Diets That Don’t Work –
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